The Importance Of Taking Care Of Yourself

By Vito La Fata

The last time you were on a plane, you probably heard a flight attendant give you the instructions about what to do in an emergency. If the plane loses cabin pressure and passengers need to use oxygen masks, what are you supposed to do first? Put on your own mask and then help others. Why is that? Because it is impossible to help others if you haven't taken care of yourself.

As a fitness professional, it is tough to listen to person after person tell me when I ask "How did you get out of shape?" tell me it was "when I got pregnant," "after the kids," "taking care of my sick parents," and "it's been years since I took care of me."

But if you have not put forth effort to help yourself, how do you think you are going to be able to have the resources to help someone else? Here are two questions that I often ask people: 1. How are you investing in yourself? and 2. How are you investing in other people? You see, it is hard to invest in others if you have not first invested in you.

This misplaced notion that in order to care of your children you have to abandon your own personal health, growth and plans is part of the problem. You cannot give to others what you yourself do not have. How can you be the best for your kids and show them the best possible ways to be in school, play, and work when you are not those things yourself?

You are probably aware of the increase in childhood obesity that we are seeing in our culture. This may be due to the fact that so many parents are not only neglecting their own health, but they are modeling that behavior for their children. The problem continues to the next generation.

It is time to take a good look at ourselves and accept the fact that we have to take responsibility for what we are teaching our children about taking care of themselves. Start today to eat a good breakfast, get at least twenty five minutes of exercise and change your life. Do it for you and do it for those around you.

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